Monday, May 25, 2009

The FunnIest TV show EVEERRRR!!! "wipeout"

from the one who make "Fear factor" comes a new gaming tv show called "WIPEOUT",
is a competion where people could win for a $25 grand or $50 grand after completing task that they have.
even though is not much like fear factor, where there's snake, bug or anything else that looks scary and disqusting.
but instead the contestant will be facing like jumping the Big balll, running through on the water WHICH is not going to be easy.
but seriously this is the funniest TV show i ever watched in My life, i loughed so hard til my family thinks im crazy or on crack, well i am crazy some time!hehehe!

let me show you what happen to these guy!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


my god!!!
so much that i wanna write, just lazyy!!
ah lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy lazy!!!

went to the gym a lot 4 d last couple of weeks, training to be instructor but i can't be one just yet, still got so much to lose!
got new friends from the gym, they'r nice but sometimes they r such a bitch, so is like love and hate relationship!!
tada' tidum, ..... tidum tidum tada!!!