Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Beautiful BOxer

A beautiful boxer is a movie that based from a true story in Thailand, is about a boy who loves wearing make up and dancing a traditional dance that only a Thailand woman would do it, coz of his differences...... he got aroused so much by people.

Until one day when he run into a fight that he cant avoid, he found a way to protect himself, and to fulfill his family needs. then he tried to do it again but this time he wanted to be better, that is when, he found a dojo that teach "THAI BOXING"...... but doubt always comes up to him, is this what he wanted to become. staying in a man body and keep wearing make up, where's everyone keeps louging at him ( like a circus ), a Thai Boxer who wears make up!
I think this movie are really good!! be whatever u want, do whatever u want, as long its feels so right to ur Heart, and be honest to yourself!!!
is like telling me to stop whining!!
GUys seriously watch it in you tube lohh!! is amazing


Jarome B Jackson said...

see I believe you this time, but maaaan Twilight is by far the worst and the corniest movie I have ever seen...

Budiuta said...

i guess it is!!