Thursday, November 20, 2008


okay! today was sooo horrible!!

im officially hate my friend, all of them!! FU**ing hell they just kept saying
" OMG BUD ur sooo fat right now, again!!!"" ....again again and again!
not just one person LOTS lots of them, Shut up already, i know!

well if i think about it!!, positive way, maybe they remind me to stop eating on heavy stuff, back to exercise! no more Burger king, J'co or and etc etc.
i guess i could try, well see!!


Jarome B Jackson said...

dude, you've been there before and you'd proven that they're wrong. So it sucks that they give you shit, but at the end there is no point in getting upset about it, you just got to go out there and work out and whatever to lose weight. Cia you?

Budiuta said...

thx dra! ur absolutly right!
yeah fuc* it! i gotta stand up and prove it again!!!