Friday, July 17, 2009


It Hurts like Hell!
when u know ur friend does not think the same as u, as ur best friend!
feel betrayed, like falling down to darkness, to emptyness, and far beyond under, u FU**ing treat us like GARbage, once we fulfill ur satisfyness.
now i know the feeling

does it ever accoured to you! that u r friends are care for u!
like really care!
aghh GOd, im sooo Fu*king angryy,
but, we are human being, we had our own rights, do whatever we want, and treat people like we wanted tooo!
well that is the bitchiness of a friendship!
they always leaave! only few who stayed


Sasha said...

Hey Bud, hope you're feeling better about it. Don't know if you're going through the same thing as what I went last time, but yeah, it sucks not getting back-up from your friends. Unfortunately it happens all the time. :(

Just remember you're tough Bud. You'll get through this crap soon. ;)

NRV said...

Budiii, I left but I Miss youu :):)
ketemuan-ketemuan dongg!

Budiuta said...

@ sasha: thank you shaa! hope it will
@ neriva: sure ner, gw juga maoo,just let me know! when u guys pada ngumpul2 yaag! oce2!!