Saturday, July 4, 2009

money does talk!! daammiit!! "the Desperate of me"

today is the day im finish, my end of term exam!
lets see what did i do today:
after exam,
-meet my friend and have a drink,
-then go to friends birthdaayy
my goD" the food was soo amazing" well that because i havent eaten anything good 4 the last 3 weeks! ...wait but i did eat much, but its different when u eat after u done something, or maybe work!!
- then we watched BLOOD: THE LAST VAMPIRE thing ( it was crap btw)
- muchies a lot, i juts buy everything, food, drink, ciggie
- then im brooke!

the plan today was not quietly what i planned to:
it should be:
- after exam, drink a bit so i could feel a bit reaalaaxx!
- then to friends birthday (meeting old friends)
- go to the gym (meet with the gym friends and work out together)
- then meet with mitra ( karaoke , or maybe go cluubbing"wanna dance so bad, is been long")

but then as i see my wallet, all i got is RP10.000, not even a 1 US dolar, hello, i havent payed the parking, damn im hungry, thank god i still have cigarette in me!

see if i have money, i could go watch another movie with my friends, or go karaoke all night loong or maybe" having wine on the beach" like segara in ancol!

this why i need to work! wanna graduate so baad!!! so i could go to work or takin part time job somewhere,
then i could socialite moree!! hae hae hae hae!!!!
also i wanna go to melb
not just holiday but also meeting my friends whom i love so muuuch!!
and just last month "my high school friends, made renunion" F**K!!! wanted to go soo baaaadd!!!
oh well! whateveer, at leats i could relaz tonight, even though im a bit lonely!!

yes ! im sooo spoiled right now, but doesnt mean i didnt try enough!!

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