Sunday, December 14, 2008

Coffee Talks!!!

Coffees talk

What do you need for your breakfast? What do you need when you relaxing during afternoon? What did you drink when you outside of the office? What’s your company when you have a lot of work to be done? Coffee could be the answered, because for some people, coffee does help you to relax and get ready what’s head of you.

What is coffee?
Coffee is a stimulation beverage where its coming from a seed that grew along with the coffee tree. It was found in the 9th century on a high place of utopia, from then spread out to Egypt, Yaman. At the 15th century goes to Armenia, Persia, Turki, North Africa, Italy, whole Europe, America then goes to all over the world.

Did you know?
Coffee is not that bad for your health, it even can become your friends when you on a diet. Cofee is a mild stimulation which effected with people nerve behavior, which is moody, Paranoia, anxiety, mental performance, and making you awake for a while, in 2004 coffee has been named to be top Agricultural export for 12 countries and in 2005 has become the 7th biggest export values. Till know, there’s a rumors have a side effects, but as long as u know how much u drink and at normal state, you’ll gonna be okay.

How People drink their Coffee
Many People put a lot sugar on their coffee and feel the pleasure of the sweetness from the coffee, well people that is not how u drinks Ur coffee, aware of diabetes! Yes sugar could do that bad! it Is better when u have no sugar at all and taste of that bitterness, NOW that is a coffee, even though is bitter, but once u get used to it , I’m pretty sure u will find the difference of the Taste from a coffee from different Brand that spread all over the world, COZ every country has their own special unique taste of coffee. But I f u can’t handle bitter, just a bit of sugar will do.

The inspiration will come through you when u have a coffee on a certain places and the right time:

  • Early morning with a low sugar cookies or bread, sitting or stand beside a window or outside with the view.
  • Afternoon when sun goes down in outdoor cafĂ© or a beach, with chilling kinda of Music company u.
  • Nighttime with a sky view in sight


  • Never drink a coffee with a drug/Medicine like Pil ( fact that someone that does , died straight ahead, my uncle friends just died couple months ago because of it, so never eva).
  • Drink a coffee during day light or the light & heat from sun goes straight to ur head! Just not right! Headache will come after a few minutes, Well...... if is indoor, probably just fine loh!
  • After a big meal! A researcher found out that, consuming a coffee after a whole big meal, is bad for your health! Coz the vitamin from a meal that u eat, just extract bad and make u consume too much vitamin, well something like that (like make u fatter easyly).
  • Fruit and coffee, doesn’t work as well for u’r stomach.


Sasha said...

I'm getting to love coffee. And it's so true when you said it's the companion for every situation.

I miss having coffee with you Bud!

Budiuta said...

same her shaaa! im dying to have coffee with you tooo!!

Jarome B Jackson said...

I took panadol with coffee? Is that bad? Or can that be my secret to being naturally skinny?

Budiuta said...

oh nooooooo!!!! thats bad! reaaal baaad! really bad!!!! no moreee loohh!!