Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Revolutionary road

One hell of a movie! I might say! no wonder it got an academy awards!!!

With Kate Winslet ( April) and Leonardo Dicaprio (Frank) as their come back , played together as a husband and Wife. Frank who r well paying but boring office and April is a housewife who r still attached to her old carrer as an actress, with two kids they lived on Revolutionary road where hopes and future could settled in. Until one day they got this great idea to move out from the hopeless and emptiness of life, to live in Paris where they could feel a better living and excitements comes again into their life.

At first I though this movie is a bit boring as I watched the first 20 mnts, but later on I found the excitement is comes up! Question about living, someone that really important to u, u loved someone but u hated them as well, is live is gonna be boring like hell for the eternity after u got married, living together and have kids, but then what?

If you think about it, as we young right now, we lived to the fullest, we go to school, we go to uni, meet friends, we study hard, fine a great job, live with our partner till the end, to make a better future, and living till we reach the END zone of life. But where are all the excitement go, could we go chasing our dreams again?.

What if our partner want a different things, and they relying to us to follow their dream but at the moment we live in a comfort zone. Too much to ask about living in this world! as myself scarred living day by day and growing old. Is Scary like hell and sad.

But that is Life, to experienced things, to feel things, to feel all the excitements, to be loved and love, so until one day where we couldn’t do anything anymore, and think what have we done in the past and have…… no…. regrets at all.

one funny things about this movie is, U know how the Titanic ended right! Leonardo died so they didnt lived together after the incident! well this movie looks,.... what if? he didnt died! and live happily forever and ever, what kind of live they could be living?!! there's connection between the 2 movie! i just love it!! even a bid sad! but amazing!!


Sasha said...

Argh, you know when I tried watching the movie with Mary, the DVD stopped halfway!!

I'm still waiting for a better copy to come out. >__>

Harsya said...

ehh budiii, blm ntn buddd, pinjem dongggg! hehe

Budiuta said...

pity u honey!! omg sha! that happen to me a lot!!
let me know ya! if u like it or not!!

@ harsyah:
ok ca ntar gw bawa hari jumat! d sip2!